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Unlocking Relief, One Massage at a Time:Embrace Wellness, Escape Pain

Certified Massage Therapist

Having been raised in San Francisco, I know how hard it can be to remember to slow down and breathe, enjoy life and destress. I have lived in chronic pain for most of my life from scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. Doctors told my mother when I was 10 years old, if untreated, I may not have the ability to walk anymore by the time I reach 24 years old. I remember my mom breaking down outside the doctor's office, with shock from the news.

She jumped into action the next week by booking regular appointments with an acupuncturist/massage therapist for me (whom I owe a lot to for my current healthy condition).

When I practice routine self care activities and exercise, along with massage therapy and acupuncture, I am not in pain. I only hope I can pay forward the kindness shown to me in my healing journey for those looking for relief from their pains.


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